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Monthly Picket Activity for ACCON
Pledge-A-Picket Pledge Form for ACCON

 As many have read or observed the Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska, located in Bellevue, Nebraska is no stranger to anti-abortion protestors, to their graphic signs, and especially visits of the so called "truth truck".  The past three years have seen an increasing amount of hate terrorism directed at the clinic staff workers and their homes.

We are not sure that knowing that their protesting is helping to fund abortions for women who could not afford one, will reduce the amount or type of terrorism we see from the anti's; but, we do know that the women who can now afford to terminate, truly appreciate the help.

Our protestors constantly brag about the small number of clients they turn away, even though we can only rarely document them.  But we can certainly document the number of woman we see because, through you, the anti's have funded their abortion.

Finally by donating to us through the Abortion Access Fund, Inc., an IRS tax exempt C-3 affiliate of the National Network of Abortion Funds, you can reap the maximum benefit from your pledges as they are tax deductible.

For the Pledge A Picket Categories for the Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska click the left blue box below:


Click here to go to

Pledge-A-Picket Pledge Form



If you wish to make a direct donation to the ACCON Pledge-A-Picket fund you may just click the "Donate" button. An IRS acceptable receipt will be returned.

Click here to find the picket activity at the Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska for the month.

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Copyright © 2009
Last modified: 08/30/09